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    丸善プラネット,30 – 35 (2022/3)
    Martiel JL, Finet G, Holzapfel G, Stuber M, Matsumoto T, Pettigrew RI, Ohayon J
    Biomechanics of Coronary Atherosclerotic Plaque: From Model to Patient (Ohayon J, Finet G, Pettigrew RI, eds.)
    Chapter 19. Importance of Residual Stress and Basal Tone in Healthy and Pathological Human Coronary Arteries
    Academic Press 443-473 (2020/3)
    第15章 皮膚の力学特性
    シーエムシー出版,170-177 (2020/1)
    Matsumoto T, Sugita S, Nagayama K
    Vascular Engineering (Tanishita K and Yamamoto K, eds)
    Chapter 6.4 Tensile Properties of Smooth Muscle Cells, Elastin and Collagen Fibers
    Springer, 127-140 (2016/4)
    化学同人 , 243-250 (2015/8)
    Matsumoto T, Sugita S, Yaguchi T
    Advances in Metallic Biomaterials: Tissues, Materials and Biological Reactions (Niinomi M, Narushima T, Nakai M, eds)
    Chapter 4. Blood Vessel
    Springer, 71-98 (2015/6) Link
    生物学と医学のための物理学 (曽我部正博監訳)
    Physics in Biology and Medicine, 4th Edition by Paul Davidovits, Academic Press, 2012)
    共立出版, 59-78 (2015/1)
    第1章 皮膚の形状を測定したい/第6節 皮膚のハリ・柔軟性 (粘弾性) を測定したい
    技術情報協会, 541-546 (2013/5) 【依頼執筆】
    Nagayama K, Yahiro Y, Matsumoto T
    Recent Advances in Mechanobiology
    On the roles of actin stress fibers on the mechanical environment of nucleus in vascular smooth muscle cells
    Shanghai Scientific and Technological Literature Publishing House, 147-151, (2012)
    1.2 皮膚と血管:体の“表面”のバイオメカニクス
    共立出版, 13-23, (2011)
    化粧品の使用感評価法と製品展開 (西嶋茂宏・秋山庸子監修)
    第4編 使用感に関連する機器計測の実例/第5章 皮膚の力学特性
    シーエムシー出版, 191-201, (2008)
    Matsumoto T, Nagayama K, Miyazaki H, Ujihara Y
    Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels
    Effects of cytoskeletal structures on elastic and viscoelastic properities of cells in soft tissues
    Volume IV, World Scientific, Singapore, 14-24, (2007)
    Sugita S, Matsumoto T, Sato M
    Bionanotechnology Based Future Medical Engineering, Proceedings of the Final Symposium of the Tohoku University 21st Century Center of Excellence Program
    Circumferential strain distribution in rabbit thoracic aorta using novel observation technique
    Imperial College Press (World Scientific), 189-198, (2007)
    Matsumoto T, Nagayama K
    Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels, Volume II
    Effects of actin filaments on anisotropy and stiffness of aortic smooth muscle cells
    World Scientific, Singapore, 16-25, (2006)
    Matsumoto T, Furukawa T, Nagayama K
    Mechanics of Biological Tissue
    Microscopic Analysis of Residual Stress and Strain in the Aortic Media Considering Anisotropy of Smooth Muscle Layer
    Springer-Verlag, 257-268, (2006)
    第8章 生体医用材料/8.1 生体関連材料/8.1.2 血管, 丸善, (2006)
    Matsumoto T, Sato J, Yamamoto M, Sato M
    Biomechanics at Micro- and Nanoscale Levels, Volume I
    Development of a Novel Micro Tensile Tester for Single Isolated Cells and its Application to Viscoelastic Analysis of Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells
    World Scientific, Singapore, 16-25, (2005)
    13. バイオ構造/13.2 マクロ構造/13.2.1(b) 生体組織構造‐血管構造, 丸善, 806-807, (2004)